lastwekend, I went to web and research the poster art. WordwarII poster style is my new experience that i want to learn and know.
This links below is the usefull destination for me to exlore the poster world. I would like to share it to you who like poster.
This website provide me usefull database searching system. I can search for the style and period of posters.
There are some poster that i search for my topic : worldwar II poster

L'Italia spezza le catene che la soffocano nel suo mare, 1941
Health is Ammunition Too!, 1942
Good News from Home, 1942
Here's How to Head Off Runaway Prices, 1943
If You Tell Where He's Going...He May Never Get There, 1943
There are thousands and thousands posters available to see and learn the styles of design, using of colors, massages and others. Those posters were designed by difference from designers from difference countries. But they still have same common styles of design. It provides me the hold view of poster art at this period. The interesting that i recognize is: “The red color is a common used in almost all posters". This creates the awareness, caution to viewers. Beside it also indicates that “it is war times now”. At that time, drawing style is quite a common style for designer, because the color camera is new and it does not provide the right colors of images. Further more, it is difficult to put text and play around on image background like what we do in illustrator now. But I still see the creative of designers in their works. Comparing to now, we see that doing those poster is easier by using illustrator, Photoshop and camera. But it is not the point that I want to learn. The most important of designer, I think in my opinions is: “the tools just release the designers in doing a lot of works ". The most important is the ideas of designers. The machine must be slavers of human not the opposite one. Who is being slavers of machine, surely they can not create and do the new things. The real designers are the one who can create a art design sometimes just base on very simple available things around. For examples: Some natures a stone, some wooden bars or some tips of colors or event some rubbish bags. The ideas have to be based on what the tools they got on hand. Surely, the postmodern and modern designers have difference styles and ideas. It is not mean the postmodern designers are better modern designers. The important is that: “What can you do by using what you have on hand". "If you have tools on hand, do you can use all the usefulness of your design tools?". Sorry, I go further far from new experience about posters. But it is the question that makes I think over when I see those posters.
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