Do you remember and can tell all your dream story when you weak up?
Sometime, you want to keep dreaming because what happen in dream is so sweety, so exicting, so happy like what u expect in real happy life.
Dream is just some kind of brain working when you are sleeping. Right ?
However, I would like to introduce to you a famous artist who designs his art works base on his dreams. Surely most of you can know who he is , because Don has showed us his website.
Salvador Dali - 1904-1989

" Salvador Dali is considered as the greatest artist of the surrealist art movement and one of the greatest masters of art of the twentieth century. During his lifetime the public got a picture of an excentric paranoid. His personality caused a lot of controversy. After his death in 1989 his name remained in the headlines. But this time it was not funny at all. The art market was shaken by reports of great numbers of fraudulent Dali prints. What's all behind it?" you can go to this link to know more about him
There are some his painting:
The Great Masturbator, 1929
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War), 1936
The Ghost of Vermeer
Painting Title: The Persistence of Memory, 1931
At the first time, Don introduces him to us. The ways of his looks also creates something oddly, mystery, curiously to me, especially his eyes staring at the viewer. However, when I see his works, I really interesting on his creation in his idea’s concept. Looking at his painting, I feel I am on a very difference world where anything is oddly. His method of capture the dream scene: taking short snap with a pen on his hand. He redraws all sense that he saw between the time of taking a short snap and weak up.
I never try this kind of technique. But I have some real experience. For example: When I feel tired and try to study. Suddenly, I weak up and realize that I am sleeping on studying chair. I still remember thinking, feeling, imaging on my head when I am taking snap. Those kind of things create me very straight feeling. I feeling that I am just from a kind of surreal world with flowing of my thinking. Suddenly I come back the real world where I am sitting on chair and studying. I think each person have his own personal experience about this. Each has his own feeling. No one knows how to take that feeling moments and get that idea to design an art work. But Salvador Dali does it. He knows how to takes his own experience to put the creation on his design. From that, he has opened the new dream land to the art world.
If you want to know more pls visit link:
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